Workshop Recordings
To celebrate the Year of the Dragon before it ends in January, I felt a nudge from the dragons to create a special dragon event. Dragons, like angels and unicorns, are incredible spiritual companions who can assist with healing. Their unique gift is to clear dense or blocked energy quickly, making space for new, higher-frequency energy to flow.
Be an ambassador for the Intergalactic Council! This title dropped into my mind for this event, and as the inspiration streamed in, I discovered that the essence of this workshop is to refine your divine qualities enabling you to be of higher service at this pivotal time in Earth’s evolution. Santa Kumara himself has stepped forward to offer his help to jump-shift your consciousness.
Embrace your significant role as a cosmic being of the universe! In 2032, a fifth-dimensional blueprint will be implemented, not just for Earth but for our entire universe. Every star and planet will undergo an upgrade to a higher dimension, and you, as a lightworker, are a crucial part of this process. Part of your mission is to connect everyone and everything in the universe with love, a task of immense importance.
The period between 2012 and 2032 is the most important time there has ever been in the history of our planet as a metamorphosis is taking place, and we will assist in the birthing of a new Golden Age. During this time, any lower frequencies, karma, limiting beliefs and patterns are surfacing so that you can align to a fully fifth-dimensional existence where you live in oneness, and life on Earth becomes an incredibly beautiful experience for everyone with true love, transcendent joy and peace in your heart.
Your Stellar Gateway is a vast golden chakra above your head beyond your outstretched arms, with 12 chambers arranged in a spiral, each containing an ascension quality, and courage is in the innermost chamber. This workshop will ignite courage and the other 11 qualities at a higher level. But that is not all. You will also create an Archangel Metatron Stellar Gateway aura spray. While Archangel Metatron activates the divine qualities in your chambers, he will also add them to your spray.
"Your body is a wondrous, magnificent vehicle designed to live 1000s of years. Our ageing body is an illusion. Looking at ourselves in a higher dimension, we are young and beautiful." This was the message revealed to me by the Universe to inspire me for this workshop. You will work with Archangel Raphael, the 9D cosmic emerald energy and the unicorns to upgrade and activate your 5D health blueprint at a higher level.
“Everything can happen in an instant!” This is what Archangel Metatron told me last autumn. I was given an amazing vision of how to clear timelines with Source light and sacred geometry so that the past no longer affects the present time, and you can bring the future to the present. Archangel Metatron used the expression ‘time-bending’ and was nudging me to do a workshop about this.
Pyramids are incredibly powerful and can store information like computers. At the fall of Atlantis, six High Priests and Priestesses constructed six cosmic pyramids in various locations on Earth, programmed with higher universal wisdom to help us prepare for the golden future. We are ready now to access their information and use it to co-create the new Golden Age.
Una traduzione in italiano della meditazione 'Fonditi con la tua Monade' dell'evento in Portogallo il 22 Ottobre. Questo evento è l'evento più importante dal Momento Cosmico del 2012. È un giorno di servizio planetario e di espansione spirituale personale, poiché insieme eleviamo le nostre vibrazioni al livello più alto possibile. Miliardi di Angeli, Esseri cosmici e il Consiglio Intergalattico ci sostengono oggi mentre accediamo e ancoriamo frequenze che non sono mai state possibili prima nell’intera storia del pianeta.
Una traduzione in italiano di tutte e tre le meditazioni del evento in Portogallo il 22 Ottobre. Questo evento è l'evento più importante dal Momento Cosmico del 2012. È un giorno di servizio planetario e di espansione spirituale personale, poiché insieme eleviamo le nostre vibrazioni al livello più alto possibile. Miliardi di Angeli, Esseri cosmici e il Consiglio Intergalattico ci sostengono oggi mentre accediamo e ancoriamo frequenze che non sono mai state possibili prima nell’intera storia del pianeta.