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About this event

I am thrilled to invite you to join Paulette and me for a live chat and meditation with Commander Ashtar. Paulette is an incredible channel and author of a fascinating series of channelled books. Together, we will explore ‘Intergalactic Cooperation, Messages of Ashtar Sheran’.

When reading Paulette’s book, one phrase deeply resonated with me: The energy of the heart is the energy of the future. Commander Asthar’s words invite us to envision a world where only higher vibrations flourish and where people radiate the higher qualities of the heart, unlocking the door to oneness with all there is.

This gathering is a special opportunity to raise light for the hearts of all humanity. Attendees will have the chance to share their experiences and ask questions. Let us come together in this sacred service work with Paulette!

I look forward to seeing you there!”

In service and love always,



Wednesday, 4 Dec 2024

5 pm UK Time
6 pm Rome
9:30 pm IST
9 am PT

Paulette Marie Reyond lives in Switzerland. For over 30 years she has been working with the spiritual hierarchy of Earth, the Archangels, high cosmic entities and cosmic siblings. Her mission is to support Earth and her people in this time of ascension to a new octave of beings.

She has channelled the followings books: Reunification of the Populations of Inner and Outer Earth, Rodon of Agartha Speaks to the Humans of Outer Earth; Help for Ascension into the 5th Dimension, Messages from Sirius A; Harmonisation of the Polarities, Messages from Sekhmet; Intergalactic Cooperation, Messages of Ashtar Sheran

Franziska is an author, ascension leader, and Principal Teacher of the Diana Cooper School of White Light with the mission of raising consciousness. She helps those aware of the presence of Angels, Unicorns, and Dragons to connect and work with them to accelerate their ascension.

People who aspire to become spiritual teachers come to Franziska for certified training so they can share their wisdom and assist the shift of the Earth into the fifth dimension.

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