Be an Ambassador for the Intergalactic Council – 2-hour Zoom Workshop with Franziska Siragusa


Be an ambassador for the Intergalactic Council! This title dropped into my mind for this event, and as the inspiration streamed in, I discovered that the essence of this workshop is to refine your divine qualities enabling you to be of higher service at this pivotal time in Earth’s evolution. Santa Kumara himself has stepped forward to offer his help to jump-shift your consciousness.



In the first part of this two-hour interactive and experiential workshop, I will share insights about the individual members of the Intergalactic Council to help you deepen your connection with them. We will also do an activity to practise your channelling skills. Channelling involves consciously connecting your mind with that of a higher being to receive their love and guidance. This practice increases your light and accelerates your ascension.

In the second part, I will guide you to a training establishment on Venus, where you will refine your innate divine qualities using advanced spiritual technology with the help of Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus. You will have the opportunity to discover how many lifetimes you had on Venus. From there, we will journey onward to meet the Intergalactic Council and find out if you are already serving as an ambassador. If not, you can ask to become one. You will receive insights on how you can be of greater service to Earth and the universe.

The Intergalactic Council consists of 12 higher beings who take decisions for the highest good of Earth. They oversee great experiments like Atlantis to see if humans could maintain their connection with Source while incarnated into a physical body, and now, the unprecedented double-dimensional shift of Earth into the fifth dimension. They are Master Marko, Commander Ashtar, Lord Hilarion, Merlin, Jesus, Kuan Yin, Lord Kuthumi, El Morya, Lord Kumeka, Paul the Venetian, Mary Magdalene, and Lord Maitreya.

Sanat Kumara from Venus overlights this workshop. As a master of consciousness, he oversaw Earth’s evolution for 18.5 million years. He was the first to come to Earth and established the spiritual retreat of Shamballa, where the activities of the Great White Brotherhood of Ascended Masters started. The event will be recorded, and a link will be sent to you automatically.

During this workshop, you will:

  • Connect deeply with the Intergalactic Council members, Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus
  • Practise your channelling skills by merging your mind with a higher being to receive insights
  • Refine your innate divine qualities with the help of Sanat Kumara, using advanced spiritual technology at a training establishment on Venus.
  • Release your belief in gravity as you practise levitation and teleportation
  • Find out how many lifetimes you had on Venus
  • Discover whether you are already an ambassador for the Intergalactic Council, and if not, you can ask to become one and step into higher service
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